Monday, September 16, 2013

How To Become a Great Cheerleader

Cheerleading is a sport that requires you to look good and be good right from the start if you want to be on the squad because there are no backups. Once you are on the squad, there is still that sense of greatness that your squad has to uphold if your squad wants to be effective cheerleaders. In this blog, you will find several tips for how to maintain the excitement you had while trying out for the squad into the actual games and competitions and be the best cheerleader you can be.

  1. The first thing you can do to maintain your great cheerleading energy is to do a sound off. The point of the sound off is to make it sound like your squad actually cares about having energy while doing the cheers. How are you supposed to get the crowd energized and into the game when the cheerleading squad sounds like they hardly even care? Make your cheers sound full of spirit and commitment to get the best effect from the cheers. Make sure to sound off nice and loud and make the crowd say WOW. 
  2. Show the crowd your pearly-whites. Do not be afraid to flash the smile to the crowd and get them energized by knowing that the cheerleaders are a happy bunch. How is the crowd supposed to feel like you care when you're stone-faced and look depressed? Now, you don't have to be like Barbie in Toy Story 2 and be smiling huge and bright the entire time, you're not a smiling robot; just be cheerful and look happy. People love seeing smiles and when we see other people smiling, it improves our own moods and we smile too. This same concept applies to the cheerleaders and crowd at a football or basketball game. 
  3. Keep sharp and snap the motions. When doing the motions in the game or competition, make sure that your cheerleading squad's motions are quick and have that snap. When doing the cheer motions, you do not want your motions to be lazy and loose, you want them tight. The reason you want to have the snap when doing the motions for a cheer is because it looks like your squad is on top of things; like your squad actually practices and cares about how it does. Also, it looks like your squad is moving in unison instead of staggered. 
  4. Keep your mind in place. This means that you have to stay on top of things during the game. Know where your team is in the game; are they winning or losing? Offense or defense? You want to show your crowd, as well as your team, that you know the sport and that you are paying attention. It would be quite embarrassing if you were doing a cheer that said you wanted a touchdown when your team is on defense. I'm just saying. 
  5. Stay in shape. This does not mean that you have to be constantly working out and have a perfect beach body but rather exercise so you are able to handle doing cheerleading for an entire game or competition. Having cheerleaders who are huffing and puffing just as much as the athletes does not look good for the team or the school. 
Bottom line, you do not want to lose that spunk once you become a member of the cheerleading squad. As someone who is around a lot of cheerleaders, I have seen a lot of moves from things discussed above and it never looks good when the tips above are violated. If you are in the market for some cheer apparel, check out this Chicago cheerleading apparel company for great deals and promos

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